Monday, 11 July 2011

When President Kibaki lifted up the document of the new constitution and waved it to Kenyans to see,it was a very symbolic gesture.
It was a gesture that heralded a new dawn.It was a farewell to a paternalistic authoritarianism,a monocephalous executive and an incompetent judiciary.It was a welcome of a people-driven governance system where transparency and accountability would reign.

But was this so?Never.These high anticipations have been hijacked by our leadership's reluctance to curb the corruption dragon.For a second time, Prof.Sam Ongeri,the education minister is in the spotlight again-the controversy surrounding the embezzlement of a whooping Sh.4.2 billion for the FPE  programme.This scam raises questions whether the President is committed to combating graft as he promised.Is he committed to adhering to the same law he held and renewed the hopes of a disillusioned populace?

The civil society actitivists have been camping at the minister's Jogoo House offices to pressurize for his resignation.So ignorant to these activists who represent the voices of millions of Kenyans,Prof.Ongeri was quick to dismiss these claims.He seem to be unaware of article 232 of the constitution on the values and principles of public office.Article 232(1)(a) states"the values and principles of public service include accountability for administrative acts"

He should resign, not on the basis of 'political responsibility' but for failed 'accountability for administrative acts' if we were to go by the stipulations of the new law.He should not use the excuse of 'political responsibility sanctify his misdeeds.

Last weekend Prof. Ongeri hosted President Kibaki in Gusii stadium and this sent mixed signals over the president's seriousness on the issue as well as his continued silence.
Firstly,this scam should not be viewed as a political contest between PNU and ODM.Innocent children are suffering because this noble idea has been abused by gluttonous officers.

If the minister is innocent,the best thing to do is to step aside and wait the findings of the  ongoing auditing process of the ministry's financial records in order to win  public confidence.

On the other hand,President Kibaki should break his long silence on the issue for the public to know exactly his stance on this scandal to correct the mixed public perceptions on the scam.

Wanderi wa Kamau,
Egerton University,Nakuru.

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